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The constitutional body at village level has its own significance. It provides a electoral platforms where people can meet and discuss their common problems, and consequently, understand the needs and aspirations of the community.

Panchayati Raj Extension in Scheduled Area Act (PESA) came into existence in Jharkhand in the year 2010. The organization has played a vital role in establishing Coordination between Traditional Gram Sabha Leaders and elected Panchayat Level Leaders under PESA Act.

Capacity building programs, workshops and booklets helped in generating awareness among leaders, elected members and villagers about their roles and responsibilities in Gram Sabha. The Gram Sabha meetings which were conducted only for the sake of sanctioning schemes under ‘Top to Bottom Approach’ changed to ‘Bottom Up’ approach.  Planning was done by the villagers during Gram Sabha meetings, approved by the executive committees which further submitted to the Block Office through Panchayat Samity members.


This practice has created confidence among villagers about tapping of schemes on time. The State Government of Jharkhand initiated ‘Yojna Banoa Abhiyan’ as preparing planning in Gram Sabha which was successful in the project area due to awareness of men, women and youth about process of preparing plan.